Osteopathic Treatment: Various treatment techniques are used depending on the patient’s assessment and preferences. Some of the techniques used can include, but are not limited to, soft tissue massage, stretching, joint articulation and manipulation and muscle energy techniques. Osteopathic treatment may be able to help the areas listed below.
Supplements: There are a selected range of vitamin supplements available that can be used to help achieve better function and pain management including probiotic, Qiara for pregnancy and for breastfeeding.
Rehabilitation Products: A limited range of rehabilitation products including Kinesiotape (Rock Tape and Gripit Tape) and postural aids are available.
Dr Kimberley (Kim) Coad graduated from Victoria University as an osteopath in 2007. Since then, she has worked in both Victoria and South Australia as an osteopath. Her career has also included working as a Medical Advisor in the Workers Compensation industry.
Kim is a Partner in AcquireCDP, an organisation she co-founded to support enhanced face-to-face education and training for Health Professionals.